Posts Tagged ‘Nathan Bedford Forrest’

A Final Tribute

June 23, 2010

John Bush was honored with the placing of the Iron Cross on his grave on June 19, 2010.  It was placed there by the Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest Chapter of the UDC and the Boone County Genealogical Society.

Louis Napoleon Nelson

August 21, 2009

Nelson Winbush

Louis Napoleon Nelson rode with Nathan Bedford Forrest during the  War.  He was a member of Co M of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry.  He saw action in battles at Shiloh, Lookout Mountain, Brice’s Crossroads, and Vicksburg.  Forrest said that he had 45 black slaves who went with him to war.  He said “…these boys stayed with me…and better Confederates did not live.”  Louis Napoleon Nelson was buried in his full Confederate uniform with the Battle Flag draped over his casket.  His grandson Nelson Winbush is a proud member of the Jacob Summerlin Camp #1516 of the SCV.  Winbush still treasures the flag that adorned his grandfather’s coffin.  The picture shows Nelson at the Memphis train station in 1932 before leaving for a Confederate reunion—one of 39 that he attended.   The young man shaking his hand is his grandson, Nelson Winbush.

Nathan Bedford Forrest
